Traditional Old English Themed Night

Traditional Old English Themed Night

DSC_1312_DetailThe Old English Themed Night on March 18th was hosted by staff and students at Landings 72 restaurant, Kirklees College, as a fund raiser for the Community Association. What a brilliant night it turned out to be! Students were on hand to meet and greet and show us to our tables. Drinks ordered, we were soon served with our starters, which nicely whetted our appetite for the main course; Dexter beef and Tamworth sausage with all the trimmings – we were not disappointed! After a suitable interval the meal was  rounded off with desserts and coffee.

DSC_1307_DetailThe evening really went with a swing thanks to local group Memory Lane Singers, who, along  with their accompanist Phil, had us singing along to the oldies but goodies, even dancing in the isles at the end!

The college let us have the meal at cost price, with the remainder of the ticket price going to the Community Association , and more money was raised through holding a raffle, and some very kind donations. All in all, the event raised a staggering £700. This will go towards our current fund raising efforts to purchase a defribulator and cabinet with 24/7 access to be sited at Bolster Moor Farm shop

DSC_1314_DetailOur grateful thanks goes to  the catering managers, Heather and Letty, and students of Landings 72 for masterminding the whole evening, even down to the posters and tickets. Many thanks also to Memory Lane for donating their time which was much appreciated.


For more information on Landings 72 please visit:

Andi Butler