Booking form for the Summer Activities 2019

2019 Summer Activities for Everyone in Bolster Moor

This year, the BMCA has organised the below activities through Summer, which everyone of any age living locally is welcome to participate.

The baking sessions are limited to six places, and the Pony Taste Testing events are limited to ten.

Everyone of any age – boys, girls, teens, adults and families, are welcome to join in whatever appeals. We hope the planned activities will help to bring people of all ages in our community together. There is no charge for the activities.

If you find you cannot attend an event you have booked please email the BMCA chairperson on so we can delete the booking and put someone else in.

Anybody else who would like to lend a hand at the events would be most welcome.

BMCA fundraising Quiz

Following on from the success of our last quiz  we are planning another Community Quiz on Thursday March 21st 7.30pm, at the Golcar Lily. Teams can be made up of a maximum of 6 people, with £1 donation per person.This time  the prize for the winning team will be a Wine and Wensleydale Crate. Six bottles of Wine, and truckles of Wallace and Gromit’s favourite Wensleydale cheeses! There will also be a great variety of raffle prizes.

Those who came along to the previous quizzes made it into a Great Night Out – yes, here in Bolster Moor! So round up family, friends, colleagues and neighbours, and let’s have another fun evening.

Many  thanks to Peter Norcliffe from Golcar for agreeing to be  quizmaster for the night.

Community Christmas Sing: Carols in the Barn

This year’s Christmas Sing will again be in Westwood Barn on Monday 10th December, 6:45pm start; the previous two events in the Barn were a brilliant success. The formula will be similar to last year with a selection of favourite carols to join in with, as well as new items from the Bolster Moor Community Choir, and the Clough Head School Singing Squad. The usual hot drinks, mulled wine and festive refreshments will be available afterwards free of charge. As in previous years, don’t forget to wrap up warmly! Sincere thanks to Tony and Angela Garside for their help and use of the Barn.

Donations of mince pies, biscuits, cakes, etc and mulled wine would be welcome – Please bring on the night, or you could drop them off at the barn in the afternoon.

Parking is available in the farm yard or the roadside.


Booking form for the Summer Activities 2018

2018 Summer Activities for Everyone in Bolster Moor

After the success of last year’s Summer Activities, we are once again organising another varied programme of events to run through the Summer holidays. Everyone of any age – boys, girls, teens, adults and families, are welcome to join in whatever appeals. We hope the planned activities will help to bring people of all ages in our community together. There is no charge for the activities apart from the combined BMCA / Westwood “Westival” on August 25th. Continue reading

Goathland and Whitby – it was another Grand September Day Out

Goathland and Whitby – it was another Grand September Day Out!

It was shaping up to be one of those lovely Autumn days as we gathered on Drummer Lane to await the arrival of our coaches for yet another Grand Day Out.

We aGoatland and Whitby 01rrived at Goathland as scheduled, and enjoyed morning coffee and a stroll through the village, passed “Adensfield” stores and garage and admired the old vehicles parked there.It was worth walking to the end of the village to explore the quaint station which had previously featured in a Harry Potter film! Continue reading