This response to COVD -19 is co-ordinated by BMCA and The Westwood Centre  alongside the people of our lovely Bolster Moor community, for information, practical help while self-isolating, or just a calm and friendly voice if you have any concerns.

We hope to provide volunteers to help you with practical and emotional support such as:

·         Shopping,

·         Collecting prescriptions,

·         Pet issues like walking if you are confined or very poorly

·         A telephone buddy if you feel isolated

If you need support – contact us

·         on BMCA Page via sending us a Private Message 

·         by e mail

·          By telephone  07980 179457   or   07815 814141

We will then do our best to match you (or a relative you care for that lives in our community) up with VOLUNTEER Bolster Moor Buddy who will phone you (depending on your request).

Go to the FaceBook page BMCA and LIKE the page, invite all your friends In Bolster Moor area and neighbours to LIKE the page.

If you want TO VOLUNTEER go to the page and send us a private message. We do a quite a few people now so you will be contacted if/when more are needed. The best case scenario is that you don’t get contacted as that means everyone is ok!

If you have volunteered already via a message to our page we will be in touch with you for a telephone number so we can add you to a ‘Whatssap’  Community response group and/or Facebook messenger group.

We are learning and creating this as we go along and so we hope that we can be as effective for our lovely community as we can be so for example if someone is short on calpol or something specialised we will also post please on FB for help if our volunteers can’t source this I’m sure our community can!

Stay safe, and let’s hope this crisis passes quickly.