Coffee morning to raise money for a defibrillator

Coffee morning to raise money for a defibrillator

DSC_2237_DetailAt a recent BMCA meeting the idea of a community defibrillator was discussed. A Traditional Old English Themed Night was already planned and then decided any money raised would start the defibrillator fund (the evening went really well and almost half the money was raised!) A donation from the Lions added to the pot.

DSC_2228_DetailAs I have organised coffee mornings for the BMCA in the past and it is a while since we have had one I agreed a date and got organised. Flyers were sent through CanCan and the School Federation. And posters were distributed around Bolster Moor. The weather was great on the day and Teresa’s plants was a popular stall and she has made a £15 donation to the M.S Society. We had a tombola stall, a raffle, refreshments and a cake stall (thank you to Lisa for her fantastic display of the delicious donations!) Hoppers were selling quiz sheets (still available and to be returned by 27th May 2016) and had guess the number of sweets in the jar – which Eva & Phoebe Davies won – I would have been next!! Graham & Andi Butler with the BMCA Archive Photos which are still for sale through the farmshop. Phoenix Trading – if you couldn’t make it but would like a brochure just let me know as I am happy to make a donation to BMCA on any orders received just quote “BMCA”.

In the meantiDSC_2236_Detailme Antony Frost has contacted me to let me know he is doing the 3 Peaks Challenge on 25th June 2016. He has completed the challenge before and usually does for charity and this challenge he will do for the Defibrillator and BMCA funds. If you would like to join him in the challenge or would like to make a donation please contact me and I will pass the message on.

A BIG Thank You to everyone who helped, donated and/or supported the event. We raised £200 which has been added to the ever growing pot of money.

Janette Lloyd