Westwood Christian Centre, Newsletter – Winter 2016

Westwood Christian Centre, Newsletter – Winter 2016

Westwood 05If you are like us, January 1st is accompanied by the question ‘We wonder what this year will bring?’ This seems more poignant this year with the changes that are being planned at Westwood at the moment.

Firstly, it is great to be able to report that we are well up with the number of advanced group bookings for weekends almost to the end of May. At present the first weekend in April and the 14/15 May are still available for whole centre bookings. January has been quite a bumper month, well up on the previous few years so we pray the trend continues.

We have recently noticed an increase in the number of people using Westwood as a place of respite from life’s troubles. Other’s have been having longer stays including a delightful young couple from France who spent a month with us while they looked for longer term housing. Their help around the centre was much appreciated and they became part of the community.

In December a call from an elderly lady who has been having difficulty finding accommodation in the winter since a house fire, led to her staying over Christmas. Carole was able to pray with her on several occasions and still keeps in touch now that she has moved on.

Groups who used the centre in the later half of 2015 included Forward in Faith Ministries Ladies Retreat, Harrogate Vineyard, Seventh Day Adventist Ladies Weekend and International Christian Mission which is a Portuguese speaking congregation. Many of these are already looking to come again.

Demolishing and Rebuilding Walls

Joshua and Nehemiah come to mind but David was engaged in rather a smaller project when it was discovered that the hall shower dividing wall needed to be knocked down and rebuilt. This took a lot of time and energy and now just the finishing touches need to take place.

We are now considering paving the grassed driveway area which, due to the constant heavy rain, looks more like a ploughed field at present! Quotes are being obtained for the work but it is likely to be a substantial cost which means grant hunting and fund raising may well be necessary.

Moving In and Moving Out

This past year discussions have been going on following an approach by a couple interested in developing the ministry at Westwood. We are delighted to announce that Andy and Becca Kind will be arriving in March with their two young children. They have an exciting vision for encouraging Christians in the Arts and Andy has already facilitated a successful Comedians Retreat at the beginning of January. We ask that you would pray for them as they make the move from Manchester, in their bold step of taking on the Westwood reins.

Of course, this means that we, Colin and Carole, will be moving out. It is likely that we will remain in the Huddersfield area although details have not yet been finalised (nothing like last minute!). We trust that God will guide us as we go from Westwood and take this opportunity to thank the many people who have supported us in prayer and practically in other ways. It has been a time when we have learnt a lot about ourselves and been blessed by the new friendships that have arisen out of our time here.

As always we all thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement.

With every blessing
Colin, Carole and the Westwood Community

Westwood Christian Centre
Westwood Edge Road
, Golcar, Huddersfield
Tel. 01484 845042 Email. westwoodcc@tiscali.co.uk
www.westwood-centre.org.uk           Charity Reg. 1042699